Digital technology has already changed marketing and development as we know it. Virtual reality, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, IoT, block chain, process mining, and machine learning… These technologies, coupled with the availability of mega data or big data and a wide variety of digital marketing channels, offer new opportunities for business development.


New technologies have impacted virtually every discipline known to man, including marketing. Companies now have countless options for reaching their targets via the various digital channels available. And consumers are now an integral part of brands’ interactive marketing strategies.

This video can explain it more:

In concrete terms, today’s technology has improved companies’ ability to collect and analyze marketing data, opened up new channels of communication with targets, and enabled the development of new advertising content formats. Big data technologies, which collect a gigantic volume of data, combined with data mining, which sorts and analyzes this information, enable a better understanding of the customer. It is from the mega-data of big data that data mining will extract the relevant information that will help the company make strategic marketing decisions as part of a customer-centric approach.


Marketing is increasingly integrated into our daily lives: Facebook advertising, Google paid results, cookies and targeted advertising… The tracking of consumers’ consumption and browsing habits gives rise to hyper-personalized and relevant advertising content. Not to mention various connected devices and new distribution formats. From a strategic point of view, companies can no longer afford to do without data collection and analysis technologies in their decision-making and marketing strategies.


Reducing operating costs, protecting information, improving communication, increasing employee productivity and market share… New technologies are opening up new development opportunities for companies, and are having an undeniable influence on their commercial strategies, strategic choices and value creation models. 

To understand the impact of today’s technologies and their potential for business development and strategic decision-making, let’s take artificial intelligence AI as an example. According to CompTIA’s 2019 10 Value-Creating Technologies for Business report, AI is already having a significant impact on the way customers interact with businesses via smart websites and bots. These tools are becoming increasingly commonplace and integrated into everyday work.

The impact of AI is being felt across all sectors, from retail to healthcare, tourism and finance. AI is helping to increase data security, employee productivity and accelerate strategic decision-making in business. With a more skilled workforce, better qualified business contacts, more efficient problem solving and systems that integrate real data for future process and product improvements, companies using AI technologies can use their resources with far greater efficiency.

By Andrew T.

Andrew has grown in a little town in the south of France. After his first degree in digital communication, he went to UK - London to study SEO. But his heart fell in love with Branding and Marketing Strategies when he has started to work for one of the biggest Communication agency of England.

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