Necessary for both the customer and the brand, advertising has become ubiquitous in today’s society. At work, at the station, in movies and even on the telephones, we are invaded by advertising messages all day long. Focus on this crucial concept for companies.
The world is evolving in a consumer economy where the customer is faced with different identical products and services that fulfill the same function. Advertising therefore comes into play to build the brand image of a product and highlights the advantages of the latter compared to competing products. Advertising is defined as being a form of communication which designates all the actions implemented by a company to make itself known and communicate on its products and/or services in order to promote their sale or image.
Advertising goals
In general, advertising has 3 main objectives: cognitive to make known, conative to make people act, affective to make people like them. It has a considerable impact in customer loyalty because a product that we have already heard about generally inspires more confidence and therefore attracts the consumer compared to an unknown similar product.
this video is useful to know it:
Thus, the objective of an advertising campaign is to: Make a product known to have it permanently adopted by the buyer, create a brand image, maintain notoriety, build loyalty, persuade customers in order to facilitate the act of purchase. Contribute to achieving a commercial goal, directly or indirectly by playing on the attitudes cognitive, affective or conative of consumers. Create a need to persuade the consumer that the product or service offered meets this need. Advertising can go so far as to claim that a particular product responds better than another to the demand or expectation of a targeted clientele.
The different actors of advertising
The advertising market includes 4 main players:
The advertiser: this is the company or organization (public or private) wishing to advertise. He is the project manager of the campaign, gives his agreement at each key stage and the responsibility for the final result lies largely with him. The agency: it is the independent organization, composed of specialists responsible for the design, execution and control of advertising actions. It develops communication strategies, designs advertising messages, proposes media plans, etc.
The supports or media: we call support, any vector of advertising communication and media all the supports which fall under the same mode of communication. The media (television, radio, posters, cinema, press, Internet) are responsible for the wide dissemination of information.
The advertising management: it is a company responsible for the sale of advertising space to advertisers. Intermediary between the media and the advertisers, the management markets the advertising space of the media.